
Welcome dogs and owners. Hair of the Dog at Cherry Lane Garden Centre , Braintree is home to a busy dog grooming salon and also has a positive reinforcement trainer for all your canine quandaries. Full grooms, de-sheds and a range of luxury treatments are available for your perfect pooch .

Hair of the Dog’s Very important Pooches


Hair of the Dog believe in making grooming and training into a positive experience for all of our doggy clients. We are not target driven like some large chains of dog salons. We believe in individual treatments for unique dogs. We want your dog to be as relaxed as possible, give regular breaks and use positive reinforcement methods to keep your dog calm. We ❤️Dogs.



You don’t have to be a bloodhound to find us.

Hair of the Dog

Through the garden centre shop

Next to the Cafe

Cherry Lane Garden Centre

Coggeshall Road Braintree CM77 8AE

Tel 07943611635

Or find us on Facebook