New Year-New you- New Dog!

We have started our begrudging list of resolutions. The list is long and the time is limited.

I have show home aspirations with zero motivation. I live in the wilds of the Essex Countryside and basically until February if the footwear isn’t a welly or a muck boot then send help, because I have clearly been abducted. Mud is a key feature in getting in from a walk, either the dog is muddy, or I am muddy and mud seems to leach onto the porch way. This year I am going to try and fight the mud and preserve the hallway.

Winter Woollies
Dogs coats tangle in the mud and salt water itches dogs skin. Salt water needs to come off dogs, as does sand.

Now is a really good time to get a pre- new year clean on the go. With visiting animals, its a good idea to treat carpets, crevices in the floor boards and pet sleeping areas. Your dog will thank you for it. Even the most pampered pooches can pick up a passenger form the dog park, or on those long lazy Winter walks.

Some of your dogs might be the proud recipients of dog coats or jumpers. Dog coats look lovely and are great for smooth coated hounds, ill or elderly dogs. Like harness’ however on a curly coat, they can cause matting under the arm pit areas. So it’s time to pay extra special attention to those areas and brush as often as you can. IF you love your dog fluffy ( who doesn’t?) home maintenance is key. A trip to the dog groomer can either be about style or it can be about welfare. Ask your dog groomer if your coat-care routine is on the right lines for your dog. Some clients have their dogs clipped short in Winter so they can run free without collecting forest floor leaves or sand and they won’t overheat in their latest coat or jumper. Monitor your dog regularly for signs of over heating . If you have a lively jack russell who loves to tear after his dog pals on the beach, a coat might not be the best idea.

Cold hose versus Warm soak
My military friends talk about having a stand- up wash -down when they are on manoeuvres. Sometimes we just have to get the mud off as quickly as possible as it can harbour nasty bacteria.Make sure the pads get washed too. If tethering a dog and hosing it down with cold water is not having a positive effect on your dog- consider booking him in for a bath and de-shed at the Hair of the Dog dog salon in Braintree. We use warm water, inn a secure bath and if your pooch is a wriggler- you may stay with your dog. Many salons do not allow this. At this dog salon we want your dog to be as comfortable as possible. It needs to be a positive experience and if the presence of an owner helps, then we welcome you.

Around rural Essex we have loads of lovely dog walks and at Hair of the Dog we love to see working dogs and active dogs. A pup with sand in his pads or mud up his legs is a happy dog. He has debris from adventures and we are spoiled here for woodland and coastal walks. Your dog is shedding, dogs blow their coat twice a year and they aren’t programmed to stop at Christmas. Book your dog in for a professional de-shed or full groom to remove dead coat. At Hair of the Dog in Braintree we work with natural products as far as possible. We are a gentle dog grooming salon and happy to break shy dogs visits into a few sessions, to build their confidence.

We love your dog like you do.

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